Small Business Group Plans

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Every successful small business eventually reaches the point where they are not so small anymore. What you started with your own two hands, you’ve built through hard work and a lot of sweat equity into something more, and now you’ve reached the point where you have people working for you. Sooner or later, your people are going to ask you about benefits, and that’s a question that a lot of small business owners are not prepared to answer. Why should you be? You’re an expert in your craft, not in insurance. Who do you turn to?

You turn to us.

Whether your people are on the books as employees, or as 1099 contractors, we can present you with a variety of solutions to their needs. We can help you figure out what’s best for your company. For some it may be giving your people extra pay monthly so they can purchase their own coverage, for others the answer is to establish a small business group plan for everyone. We’ll help you sort through the ramification of each option to arrive at the best answer for your business.

When you’ve found good people, you want to keep them. Providing health coverage is one of the best ways to do that. Let us be your HR department.