Life Insurance

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When asked by a teammate why he didn’t get life insurance, Yogi Berra famously said “I’ll get it when I die”. Unfortunately, that’s not quite how it works, it requires a little bit of planning ahead, and proper planning is where things can get tricky.

These days, the TV is full of ads promising to provide you with dozens of quotes for term life insurance with one simple call. Term life has its place, and it’s an important one, but did you know that only about 3% of term policies ever pay out a death benefit? That means that 97% of the people that see one of those commercials and call because they have a vague sense that they should “do something” about life insurance wind up committing to a monthly payment for ten, twenty or even thirty years for a policy that never pays out even one thin dime. Planning is how to prevent, or at least minimize, this possibility. How much “planning” do you think a telemarketer sitting in a cube farm in The  Philippines does with their callers?

Planning starts with one simple question: “What do I need to have happen if I die so that my family isn’t burdened financially”? From there we can discuss the difference between term and whole life policies, the specific needs that must be addressed in the event of death, and figure out the best way to meet them.

We’re happy to review all of these issues personally, and there is never a fee for our consultation. Give us a chance to make sure that whatever decision you make on the protection you establish for your family was reached from a position of knowledge, not a blind guess.